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Sale points & Events

With following links you get directly to the selling points with products from "Moore than Spice":


Markets and Cooking Classes

There will be no new market dates until 2025, when you can buy my products locally. At markets you can also always try small dishes that I prepare with my spice mixtures.

At the cooking classes you can cook with me in small groups. Focus is on creating your own seasoning mixes and a plant-based menu. New cooking classes are in planning also only for 2025.


Sale points

These shops have our products:



Currently, there are two sale points in Bochum:

Logo Edeka Driller, Bochum

Edeka Driller
Castroper Str. 202
44791 Bochum


Opening hours

Monday through Saturday7 to 21 o'clock

Logo Hof Sasse Bochum

Hof Sasse
Hiltroper Str. 308
44805 Bochum


Opening hours

Tue, Wed, FriCurrently only open on weekends.
Sat, Sun11 to 15 o'clock


You can buy our products in the center of Düsseldorf:

Logo Phytokraft

Arzneikräuterhaus Phytokraft
Wielandstraße 21
40211 Düsseldorf


Opening hours

Monday through Friday11 to 18 o'clock
Saturday11 to 17 o'clock


You can buy a wide variety of Moore than Spice products in Herne-Holthausen here:

Logo of Edeka Krüger in Herne

Edeka Krüger
Castroper Str. 373
44627 Herne


Opening hours

Monday through Saturday8 to 21 o'clock


You'll find selected products at Muh To Go in there vending machines in Schalksmuehle:

Logo Muh To Go

Muh To Go (Farm dairy Piepenstock)
Huxhardt 1
58579 Schalksmuehle


The shopping container from FrischR is brand new. You can get our products there, too!

You are able to stock up in this small self-service supermarket around the clock. All you need to do is register in the app.

Location: Gut Einern
Einern 120
42279 Wuppertal



David Moore at a tasting

You can order at the "Marktschwärmer" online and pick up the ordered goods on the pick-up day. Sometimes we even offer a tasting so that you can try dips or little dishes with my seasoning mixes. Then, you can also purchase our products on-site.

Here, you'll find an overview of currently delivered to locations and the distribution days.

We participate usually once or twice a month at the "Schwärmereien".


graphic of Marktschwärmer
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